Ghostwriting, Author Coaching, Editing, Publishing, Book Marketing, Speaking

Nothing can take away the credibility of a book than one that hasn't been edited by expert editors.

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Book Doctor / Manuscript Repair

We will repair and fix your book, rewriting your current content as needed, so that your book can be what you want it to be.

Developmental Editing

We will address the issues that will take your book from just so-so to a real page-turner.

Line Editing

We will make your content professional by connecting the dots and smoothing out awkward areas to meet professional standards.


Polishing your book or content is essential to ensure a professional presentation.

Book Doctor / Manuscript Repair

Our Book Doctor/Manuscript Repair service is designed to provide authors with expert assistance in fixing issues related to the overall quality of their manuscript. This service is ideal for authors who have completed a draft of their book but are struggling with aspects such as plot development, pacing, character arcs, dialogue, or structure. The Book Doctor will analyze the manuscript and identify any weaknesses or areas that require improvement. They will then offer recommendations for revisions to make the manuscript more engaging and marketable. By working with a Book Doctor, authors can significantly improve the chances of their book being published and achieving commercial success.


Nothing can take away the credibility of a book than one that has not been edited by expert editors.

line Editing:

A Line Edit is very methodical as we focus on the content of your book as well as your writing style and language. We edit line by line to fill in holes and smooth out awkward sentences and transitions. We also correct syntax, organization, flow, repetition, and word over-usage, while addressing other elements as well.

Having a Line Edit makes your book stronger, more professional, and much more readable.


Your content needs that extra set of eyes to give your book that final polish. We take care of those embarrassing punctuation and spelling errors so readers aren’t distracted by mistakes and can instead focus on your message.

Developmental editing

A Developmental Edit develops your book. It can take your book from okay to page-turner by looking at the big picture and uncovering holes and gaps so answers can be given before readers are given the chance to ask. It addresses flaws in structure and organization, areas and sections that need clarifying and building, and other issues that can improve your book by leaps and bounds. Developmental Editing is designed to provide authors with expert assistance in shaping their ideas and developing their stories. By working with a developmental editor, authors can refine their writing skills and ensure that their story resonates with readers on multiple levels. A developmental edit isn’t just for first-time authors but for everyone who has written a book and wants it to reach its full potential.

Having a Developmental Edit performed is the key to having a rich, well-written book.

Copy Editing

Copy Editing is a service that involves reviewing a completed manuscript for technical issues, such as spelling errors, grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, sentence structure inconsistencies, or other technical issues. The editor will also suggest stylistic changes to improve readability and flow of the text. This service is ideal for authors who have already completed their manuscript and are looking for an objective third-party to review and polish their work before publication. By working with a copy editor, authors can ensure that their writing is error-free and meets high standards of quality. This service is particularly useful for self-published authors who may not have access to traditional publishing resources like in-house editors. 

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